ICCS, together with its partner, the IV, has just published the latest issue of its newsletter. In this rich issue you can read more about the IV General Assembly, the study trip of several school leaders to the Netherlands and the résumé of the Thematic Group, whose mandate ended earlier than expected due to the closure of the CEC Office for Education in Strasburg.
To everyone’s delight several meetings could again take place in person: the ICCS Board meeting, the Bavarian-Hungarian Kindergarten meeting in Györ, the Schadeberg Lectures in Rostock, where three schools received awards, the European networking event on education in Münster and the EFTRE Board meeting in Rome, where the planning of next year’s EFTRE conference was advanced.
Furthermore, there is an interesting interview with Louis-Marie Piron, CEEC’s new Secretary General, and an article on the celebration of PILGRIM’s 20th anniversary. The SchoolCoPe project has produced what it calls an “Edumap” and for teachers an e-book on peace education, and the Committee on Interreligious and Interconfessional Dialogue has offered a webinar on “Self-awareness as a key,” with more webinars to follow.
Enjoy reading!