Future lab (light)

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the originally planned “Future lab” couldn’t take place. After a postponement from 2020, the face to face meeting for 2021 had finally to be cancelled as well. The digital alternative “future lab light” finally couldn’t attract enough participants. ICCS continues its efforts to connect experts in the field of Church and school issues across Europe despite the challenges the pandemic has enforced.

Former Future lab light

When? 9 June 2021 4-6pm CET

Where? Online on zoom

Who? Experts in the field of religious education

What is it about? Inspiring exchange among colleagues! ICCS would like to offer you as a community of experts in the field a space for exchange and collaborative reflection on current issues of religious education. At this event, you will have the opportunity to choose among a couple of different topics presented and discuss them in small group sessions.

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