The CEC Governing Board met in May in Strasbourg, France, to set priorities for the work of the CEC under the slogan “Together in Hope and Witness”. The 20 members ‑ representing the various member churches (see for a full list here) ‑ adopted a strategic work plan for the years 2019-2023. Three main aims are defined: promoting peace, justice and reconciliation in Europe, strengthening ecumenical fellowship and promoting the mission of the Church as well as raising the churches’ voice in Europe and the European Institutions. In the context of the first aim, the governing board decided to deal especially with the topic of education and therefore to create a working group on “Diversity, pluralism and education for democracy”. This working group shall help member churches to deal with these topics and take part in the Council of Europe policies developed in this field. ICCS and IV hope to contribute to this group with their expertise in educational matters and with their experience in working with the Council of Europe.
Governing board sets guidelines for 2019-23