The 5th-9th October 2020 is an important date to highlight in your calendar. It is the date of the next Klingenthal Colloquy. At their December meeting in Düsseldorf, Germany, the CoGREE steering group, in which ICCS takes part, reflected on the last colloquy and discussed the focus theme of the next one in 2020. The group decided to develop further a theme about the challenge of how to take a stand for religion in education. Often, the role of Religious Education or religion in education in general is questioned in the public sphere. That criticism might come from parents or teachers at a school or administrators and government officials from local to European level. How do we react to this criticism? And how can we tell our stories? That will be at the heart of the programme. Traditionally, the programme will also include a visit to Strasbourg and an exchange with officials from the European institutions thanks to the active relationships of ICCS.
Klingenthal 2020 plannings go ahead