The timeline – the big story of the Bible
An interactive web based time- and storyline for use in Bible teaching and learning is available free online:
Timeline – the big story of the Bible has been developed by educators on behalf of Verbum Forlag /Norwegian Bible Society as a pedagogical tool. The storyline depicts 51 essential Bible stories on a timeline. It has a minimum of text and self-explicable as the webpage is, it functions worldwide. The timeline is available as solid plastic roll-up banners as well. The tool visualizes the connection between the small stories and the big narrative of the Bible, and the stories are linked to historic time from Abraham onwards. Present time is visualized as an open space before the end of times.
For Nordic readers, the digital storyline Tidslinjen – Den store fortellingen I Bibelen is part of a full educational package with roll-up banners, a Bible book for 6 – 15 year olds, a reader for teachers with three didactical options for each of the depicted Bible stories, a book of retold Bible stories, and a subscription of the web-based solution. Further information for Nordic readers:

ICCS President Heid Leganger-Krogstad has been heavily involved in the development of this educational tool and would be happy to answer any questions if needed.
text by Heid Leganger-Krogstad, ICCS President
Prof. em. MF – Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, Oslo, Norway