The European Wergeland Center (EWC) marks its 15th anniversary in November 2023 by running several seminars to share insights from their work from November until March 2024. The Center was established in Oslo by the Council of Europe and Norway in 2008. EWC is a resource centre on education for intercultural understanding, human rights and democratic citizenship. It serves all 46 member states of the Council of Europe and is currently running projects in 22 countries in Europe.
Executive director of EWC Ana Perona-Fjeldstad is glad, that the topic of education is currently at the top of the agenda of the Council of Europe. The Standing Conference of Ministers of Education of the Council of Europe on 29th September 2023 adopted five resolutions under the headline “The Transformative Power of Education: Universal Values and Civic Renewal”. These resolutions set up the Council of Europe’s
Education Strategy 2030 “Learners First: Education for Today’s and Tomorrow’s Democratic Societies” and the European Year of Digital Citizenship Education in 2025. Furthermore, they deal with the renewal of the civic mission of education and education in times of emergencies and crisis as well as harnessing the potential of Artificial Intelligence in and through education.
These initiatives show what the EWC has always underlined: education is an important way to defend and strengthen our democracies.”
In this context, EWC and Council of Europe are cooperating to educate teachers to take on the task of Digital Citizenship education. One-year course is already launched and more is to come. It is about how to equip children and young people for their life online and offline, and the course is given on an online learning platform.