KLingenthal online 2021
Topic: “Let’s tell our stories – the positive impact of religion in public education”
When? Thursday, 21st October 2021, 2-6pm CET (1-5pm UK/IRE)
Where? on zoom via the “relilab café”
Who? People involved with religion and education in Europe, especially those involved in the member organisations of CoGREE, co-host of Klingenthal, and the relilab community.
For this online conference, ICCS and CoGREE are cooperating with the “relilab café”. Relilab is an initiative for and by RE teachers from Germany, Switzerland and Austria. One of their most popular formats is the “relilab café” – an open videoconference format every Thursday afternoon, where teachers of religious education can meet and exchange about current issues and challenges they are facing. Inputs from various speakers enrich the discussions. For this occasion, the Klingenthal online conference will take place on the “relilab café” zoom platform inviting regular relilab participants to join as well.
What? Storytelling and religion in education
In 2021 participants will finally be able to properly work on the topic “Let’s tell our stories – the positive impact of religion in public education”. Even if it is digital, exchange and learning is possible. In a time of increasing secularisation, some might say there is no place for telling the story of religion anymore. At this hands-on edition of Klingenthal, we want to identify arguments and narratives, which can demonstrate why religion in education matters. We will learn about communication strategies, the power of storytelling and about how to wrap the identified arguments in an appealing story.

Dr Werner Haussmann
University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Werner is a researcher and senior lecturer in religious education at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
He is Deputy Director of the Research Unit for Public Religion and Education (RUPRE) at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg.
His main interests lie in the field of public theology and public religious education as well as in the fields of interreligious education and European developments of the relation between religion(s) and school(s).

Lena Christin Ohm
coach and journalist for evangelisch.de & religionen-entdecken.de
Lena Christin Ohm works as a multimedia editor for evangelisch.de and religionen-entdecken.de at the Gemeinschaftswerk der Evangelischen Publizistik.
She also gives training on topics such as “digital storytelling”, “social media and website design” or “filming and editing with the smartphone”. She is a passionate tester of new storytelling tools to tell stories as compellingly as possible.
The Klingenthal conference had been postponed from 2020 to 2021 and was kicked-off by two Zoomthal online events in October 2020 and May 2021 and finally tooke place as an online conference in October 2021.
Zoomthal II 2021
When? 26th May 2021 from 4.30-6.30pm CET (5.30-7.30 in FIN, GRE and 3.30-5.30 in UK, POR)
Where? online on Zoom
Who? All interested in the Klingenthal 2021 topic
At this online event, we will continue working on storytelling in religious education and get ready for the face to face meeting in Klingenthal in October. After a first dive into storytelling and the links to religion in education at Zoomthal I, participants are now invited to write their own story. Will it be a drama? A romance? Or a comedy? We are curious to discover your creativity! A large part of the time will then be dedicated to exchange among participants in small groups.
Zoomthal I 2020
When? 8th October 2020 from 4.30-6.30pm CET (5.30-7.30 in FIN, GRE and 3.30-5.30 in UK, POR)
Where? online on Zoom
Who? All interested in the Klingenthal 2021 topic
At this online event, we got into the spirit of Klingenthal 2021. Chatting, having a drink together and getting to know each other – we won’t let Corona take that away from us! Together we explored Klingenthal’s topic and shared ideas, thoughts and stories around it. With this powerful start, we are looking forward to continuing to write the joyful and creative story of Klingenthal 2021 and get into the vibe of what is to come next year!
Current news about Zoomthal & Klingenthal
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